dry Samburu woman wearing colorful tribal decorations, Kenya Close up of Turkana woman wearing typical tribal decorations, Northern Kenya Palm trees projecting shadows on the dunes of Libyan Desert, Egypt Barchan dunes of the Namib Desert Aerial photograph Turkana medicine men wearing clay hairdo and genuine tribal ornaments, Kula Samaki, Northern Kenya African people Turkana, Kenya Old Samburu woman wearing colorful tribal ornaments of bead necklaces, Kenya Fantastic scenery of the White Desert landscape at sunset, Egypt African people Turkana, Kenya Close up portrait of Turkana girl with traditional hairstyle and bead decorations, Loyangalani, Northern Kenya African people Turkana, Kenya Close up portrait of Turkana medicine man, Kula Samaki, Northern Kenya Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Surreal landscape of the Namib Desert, Namibia Smiling lips of Samburu woman with colorful bead necklaces, Kenya Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Old man and shadow - Samburu man in red blanket resting before colorful butchery wall, South Horr, Kenya Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Bizarre rock formations in the landscape of White Desert during sunrise, Egypt Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Sunset over the volcanic landscape of the Black Desert, Libyan Desert, Egypt African people Samburu, Kenya Policeman on a camel watching smoking Cairo, Egypt African people Samburu, Kenya Maasai woman breastfeeding her child life inside Maasai village, Kenya Caravan of camels approaching the Great pyramid of Giza, Egypt Samburu people mount Nyiru, Kenya Samburu warrior covered in red blanket gesturing, Kenya Twilight in the volcanic landscape of the Black Desert, Egypt African people Samburu, Kenya « ‹ 2 of 4 › »